
We have such a blessed life together but even we can get tattered by life's unexpected happenings.

Love this news story…"Wine or Cheese" July 13, 2007

Filed under: random; hugs; hearts; wine; cheese — Sooz @ 4:06 PM


Michael Rabdau and his family were almost the victims of a gunman who demanded money in the backyard of a friends’ Capitol Hill home after dinner.

“We believe it is a true robbery,” said Cmdr. Diane Groomes, who is in charge of patrols in the Capitol Hill area. But it’s one-of-a-kind, she said, adding, “I’ve never heard of a robber joining a party and then walking out into the sunset.” courtesy of MSN

*Check out the link above for the whole story*

I want to see this movie

Filed under: Uncategorized — Sooz @ 2:20 PM

I want to see this movie. I really like John Travolta as an actor. We did this play when I was a junior in high school and it was better than our production of “Grease” my senior year even though it was equally great for a high school theater. I love how Travolta looks dressed as a woman. I also want to see Queen Latifah as “Motormouth Maybelle”…. Makes me laugh just looking at the pictures from the movie website.

There are many other movies I would like to see, but this is what popped out to me this morning.

Random Thoughts & Photos July 12, 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — Sooz @ 1:43 PM
This week has flown by and I don’t think I have had one blog about anything other than stuff I find on the internet or television. How sad is life?

My previous blog about “The Singing Bee” turned out to be a great one. R and I absolutely had a blast singing along and “dancing”. Are dance looks more like some tribal dance or something. We love the show and can’t wait until the next one. The songs brought back a ton of old memories and it was amazing how much you remember! If you haven’t tried the show please do because you will enjoy it! Joey Fatone is a great host.

Last weekend we attended a wedding for the daughter of a friend of my family. Amanda was gorgeous and Tyler looked very handsome!

(Father of the Bride, Joey, and Bride, Amanda)

The wedding took place at Gillam Farms in Judsonia/Searcy area. Its a beautiful setting but please if you plan to marry next summer try to think of your guest, your wedding party, and how extremely hot Arkansas is in July.

Guest were melting into puddles around their seat. The paper fans and water they handed out just wasn’t cutting it. If you want to marry outside in Arkansas you should try May-June or September-November. Otherwise keep it inside or don’t expect many guest to withstand the heat. They even had a bridesmaid faint from being so hot and it looked like she probably locked her knees up. Plus at Gillam Farms there really isn’t a great place to park without having to walk a good distance down a graveled hill to the gazebo. Don’t wear heels is all I got to say about that…

The reception was nice and cool. Loved it! There was a huge buffet of food, chocolate fountain, tons of fruit, and a lovely wedding cake. It was kind of sad though when they cut the cake because I don’t think there were many people paying attention at all. It did take them a long time to make an entrance to the reception though and I think that effects people that are waiting negatively. The band was a bunch of older men that looked to be in their late 60’s and one young man as drummer. Their music was really awesome and the wedding party had a great time dancing. It was great to see so many people I know that I haven’t seen in a few months.

Sunday was a hard day for my parents because of a family friend moving on. Their music minister, Clay, is moving on to new avenues in his life. He had become a huge part of our family over the past few years and we are all sad to see him go. Moving back home to Kansas in the next month and working alongside his mother in their insurance business. It was hard on that entire church, but God has bigger plans for them both.

This week at work has been uneventful thank goodness. Its actually kind of quiet and everything has moved pretty quickly. I feel like I haven’t been off work in forever but I’m saving up to be off for a full week in September for our 1st Anniversary! Woohoo! I actually can’t believe its already Thursday. Doesn’t seem possible at all. I still get frustrated on a daily basis at people that come strolling in late or not at all. No idea why in the world I let it get under my skin because I know they are deducting from their pay checks. Aren’t we all “at will” employees? Anyway..that’s a continous gripe with me!
Last night we dog sat for our pastor and his wife who are on mission in Mexico this week. The right side is Hershey their dog and to the left is Trixie who was completely thrilled to have company (as you can see from her expression)…. Hershey is a chocolate Lab and is very well behaved. They had so much fun playing together. Hope it goes that well again tonight.

No plans for the weekend at the moment. I’m ok with having zero to do because next weekend will be devoted to my Ma Pat & Pa for their 50th Wedding Anniversary. We will travel to Jonesboro for those events and am looking forward to celebrating with them. 50 years is an amazing number in marriage.

Hope you all have a great Thursday! Enjoy being inside because it looks like more rain is heading this way….


"The Singing Bee" July 10, 2007

Filed under: music; singing; shows — Sooz @ 3:48 PM

I thought this was an interesting new show that is coming out tonight on NBC. I love music and spend more time with music/radio more than any other friend I have in this life except my sweet hubby.

The Singing Bee challenges contestants to accurately sing the lyrics to popular songs — when the band stops playing! Scored like a spelling bee, there is no middle ground for partially correct singing.
Air Time:Friday 8:00 on NBC

Premiere Date:July 10, 2007

Description:Clearly aimed at the coveted karaoke demographic, this offbeat variety competition wrings laughs from a very common habit: namely, inadvertently mangling the lyrics to popular songs. Contestants are challenged to get the lyrics to songs absolutely correct (from memory) or they’re eliminated. (courtesy of MSN TV)

The link is attached below.


My Mom’s Orange Sherbert July 9, 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — Sooz @ 5:44 PM

1 can of Eagle Brand Milk
6 cans of Sunkist Orange Soda or 1-2 liter of Sunkist (Omit 2 cups if using the 2 Liter)
1 small can of crushed pineapple (optional)

Mix the Eagle Brand milk and Sunkist soda together carefully because the carbonation from the soda makes it foam up really great. It looks like a science project at first with the orange foam.

Add the can of crushed pineapple to the liquid and mix well.

Pour the mix into your ice cream freezer. Sometimes it will remain kind of slushy after being in the ice cream freezer but after setting in the refrigerator freezer for a while it is perfect.

Our ice cream freezer is one of those that does not require rock salt. It sits on our kitchen counter and works its magic, but I think the old timey ones that require rock salt probably work a bit better freezing wise. I love being able to stick the compartment in the freezer for a few hours and then mixing up whatever flavor I want right there in the kitchen instead of having to go outside with rock salt and ice. I love simple.

**I wish you could really see the color of the sherbert as I sit here at my desk and enjoy the cold slushy goodness with frozen bits of pineapple. It is great leftover. We always dish it up in freezer safe containers and eat on it slowly during the week. I think it would even make a great punch for a party with a good bottle of ginger ale added to it. There are much more complicated sherbert recipes you could make but this one is so great so why even bother?


"Great" T-Shirt Slogans

Filed under: just for fun — Sooz @ 3:00 PM

1. I’m confused. No wait…Maybe I’m not.

2. despite the look on my face, you’re still talking?

3. Don’t take life so seriously. It isn’t permanent.

4. Let me drop everything & work on your problem!


6. i see dumb people

7. EMBARRASSING MY CHILDREN: Just one more service I offer

8. getting married was her idea

9. HERE I AM now what are your other two wishes?

10. I’m Not Fluent In IDIOT, So Please Speak Slowly & Clearly

11. Nosey Little Bas**** aren’t you?

12. I NEVER MAKE MISTAKES. I thought I did once, but I was mistaken.

13. If a man speaks in the forest, but there is no woman to hear him, IS HE STILL WRONG?

14. to err is human…but to blame someone else shows management potential.


16. Some days its not even worth chewing through the restraints.


18. Remember, you’re unique like everybody else.

19. I’m Not an Alcoholic I’m A DRUNK (Alcoholics Go To Meetings)

20. Squirrels: Nature’s Little Speed Bumps

21. Can’t Feed’em? Don’t Breed’EM (picture on tshirt of a mother with about 6 babies)

22. REHAB is for quitters

23. I’m Not Santa (but you can still sit on my lap)

24. Everybody is born right handed. Only the gifted overcome it.

25. Who are you and Why are you reading my shirt?


27. PETA: People Eating Tasty Animals

28. WORK HARDER: Millions on Welfare Depend On It!

Is the grass greener on the other side? July 6, 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — Sooz @ 1:27 PM

I am considering changing from Blogger to WordPress in the near future. I have already started the process of the change, but would like some input from my readers.

Any thoughts about the change to Word Press?


Birthdays and Fireworks July 5, 2007

Filed under: birthdays,freedom; fireworks — Sooz @ 5:51 PM

July 3rd marked my 28th birthday. Whoopie! No I was not that excited nor was anyone else because it was possibly one of the lousiest birthdays I have ever endured. I supposed that its partly my fault for expecting more than I should for anything. I usually don’t expect anything from anyone and normally am more comfortable giving than receiving. There is something special though about having one day out of the entire year set completely aside for yourself. Its your birthday! Aren’t you supposed to expect more from that day? The only thing wrong with expectations is it sets yourself up for disappointment and it rang true for me on Tuesday. Or maybe its self pity and I want someone to feel sorry for me. Ugh!

I worked half a day Tuesday because the company I work for gives you that as a birthday “gift”. Sweet deal! Its sweet until you find out the entire office left at 2 p.m. because its terribly slow the day before a holiday. *Not one person told me Happy Birthday other than family* I spent the next half of the day by myself doing laundry and other household duties. Not very fun! I had asked months before for R to take half the day off with me, but nooooo he forgot. Real nice~~. By the time he got home it was right about 6 pm and I was in a total depressive funk.

My sister and her family came by to drop off my gift. After they left he took me to Chili’s for dinner. I didn’t even get the right food that I had ordered and that made me even more in a funk. After dinner we went to Target and walked around for over an hour. It was not exactly how I would imagined anyones birthday. I was sad that it didn’t feel special at all and I try to make other peoples birthdays as special as possible. What got me about my own family is that they came down for R’s birthday dinner, but not mine? R did try to get everyone together for dinner and cake.

R did buy me a new book, candle with a neat holder, and some bubble bath. My sister bought me one of those ice cream makers that sits on your kitchen counter. Its one that you see on the Food Channel sometimes that Emeril or Barefoot Contessa would be using. My parents bought me a candle and a new jacket. All the gifts in the world didn’t make up for no one being there to celebrate with me. R bought a cake but no one was there to enjoy it so we didn’t even cut it until really late that night and that was only a sliver. Not even a candle or Happy Birthday tune.

**Bless my sweet husbands heart for trying his hardest to make it special.

4th of July was boring. I was still feeling funky so I slept in, showered, had lunch, and caught up on all the old Grey’s Anatomy’s I had DVR’d and then took a long nap. We did go to my sisters that night for dinner in which her husband’s sisters family was there and weren’t supposed to be so it was kind of awkward for all of us. The fireworks were ok but the brother in law on the other side is a complete know it all so he completely took over them, but it turned out the fireworks in the distance that our neighbors had going was a great show. Thank you to them.

I’m much better today now that I am back at work. Did I say that?… Hope everyone had a great day off yesterday if you were able to be off. Thank you to all of our military and others that keep our freedom going everyday. Especially to those that are in my very own family…we love you!

Case of the "Stolen" Scissors July 2, 2007

Filed under: co-workers; corporate; supplies; cubes — Sooz @ 6:46 PM

I sent this e-mail to my co-workers and bosses this morning. (Note: I work in a small corporate family owned type office situation). I did this only because there have been several items over the past 5 years that I have been here that suddenly disappear from my cube. The scissors from the pen holder on my desk was the last straw!

“Brickbats to the person that took scissors from my desk and did not return them.

Surprisingly enough I have since found scissors in the middle room supply cabinet and I am fine with them. It’s the fact that someone would take something off your desk without asking or returning it when they could have found the items they needed in the middle room. I just want it known that I think it is ridiculous to take stuff from someone’s desk without asking the person and its just wrong to not return what was borrowed. Its not like we use scissors that often people and what will be next to disappear?”

Thank you

Amazingly enough I did receive negative replies from the exact people I suspected would be capable of taking such items from ones desk. I figure if they are negative about the above e-mail that I sent then they obviously have a problem with stealing office supplies and it gives me satisfaction knowing the guilty party. Is that horrible to feel satisfaction?

I wanted to know if anyone else in the corporate world has this sort of problem. R has problems holding onto his scissors in his office as well. Who needs scissors, 3-hole punches, tape dispensers, and paper folders so much that they would take from someones desk instead of going in the supply room? Next it will be my Post-It notes and if you know me you know I love my sticky notes!

Its a sad, very sad corporate world in which we live each day. I guess I should clear my desk everyday and only leave the keyboard and monitors out. Wonder how that would make colleagues feel? Or maybe I should attach chains and locks to the items on my desk.

Note: loved using the word “Brickbats” in a sentence.



Filed under: movies; girls; fun — Sooz @ 3:11 PM

First off the title of this post was stolen from another blog I read and I thought it was so cute!

This past weekend R and I had the privelege of keeping my 9 year old niece Rebekah, 8 year old niece Juliann, and the 8 year old daughter of one of my very good friends named Robin. Our house was a bustle of activity Friday night and Saturday.

Fortunately my sister lives very close to our house so we were able to take all 3 girls to her house for some homemade “Chef-Boyardee” pizza, grape kool-aid, chocolate chip cookies, and swimming. It made Friday night go very quickly! The girls had a blast playing together and swimming. At that age their imaginations are in full force and they had so many different synopsis planned out while they played. I think once Rebekah was the baby, Robin the big sister, and Juliann the mom. While swimming they took turns being the shark in the pool…lots of giggles and screams from that moment.

After they swam we went back to our house for a “slumber” party. We moved our coffee table out of the way, spread out two cushy comforters, and their sleeping bags. The sleeping bags all had some sort of Bratz or fairy princesses on them. They each took baths in our guest bathroom and then I washed their hair at the kitchen sink with the sprayer because it keeps the soap out of their eyes. They piled up in their sleeping bags with mini bags of popcorn, drinks, and watched Cinderella III until their eyelids were so heavy they couldn’t keep them open anymore. R and I did not sleep much at all because our Bassett Hound didn’t exactly enjoy the idea of 3 little girls in her living room and her not sleeping in the middle of them all. *Next time we will let her sleep with them!*

Saturday the girls slept until after 8 a.m. which was great for us! I was so afraid they would be up super early despite not going to bed until nearly midnight. R bought them all doughnuts for breakfast and juice. They all got prissy for the day in their clothes and hairdos.

We took them for lunch at McDonald’s (yes we gave several options), but hey who doesn’t need a Happy Meal every once in a while. After lunch we went to the movies to see “Ratatouille”. We all LOVED it! Even R was glad he was there for the movie. Pixar films always have the best animation. Even the mini segment before the actual movie is incredibly funny! I attached the link so that you can all watch the trailer if you haven’t seen the movie. Its really great!

Overall it was a great weekend with the little girls and we hope to spend time with them like that again very soon. I’m so afraid they will be teenagers soon and not want to spend that kind of time with us…I’m hoping not!
* I will post pictures of the girls as soon as I unload my digital camera*